The Path of Life
So, let me ask you simply. Are you happy?
On this journey of life… Are you happy? I’m not talking about just some kind of contentment. I’m not talking about looking at your life and saying “ehh, I’m content with my life the way it is.” But I’m asking, “Are you fulfilled? Are you overflowing with life? Are you full of joy?”
Today we sung Psalm 16:
“YOU will show me the path to life,
abounding joy in YOUR presence,
the delights at YOUR right hand forever.”
Jesus Christ…
1) shows us the path of life;
2) pours out on us abounding joy in his presence;
3) gives us delights at his hand forever.
It is Jesus Christ who rose from the dead and is alive now, who continues to show us how to live a fulfilled life, who pours out his joy into our souls while in his presence and who gives us spiritual delights and graces.
In the first reading, St. Peter finally discovers this truth. Remember who Peter was. He was the rash one who, when Jesus told his disciples that he would have to suffer and die and be raised on the third day, said to Jesus, “God forbid, this must never happen to you.” In which Jesus responds famously, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block for me!” Peter was also the one who denied Jesus when asked if he was a disciple.
But now after Peter witnesses the resurrection we see his eyes have been opened. He now sees that the scriptures point to this, that the psalms point to this and with confidence he begins to preach to the people. He looks at the Psalm, and sees that when David wrote Psalm 16, he was speaking of Jesus!
I saw the Lord ever before me,
with him at my right hand I shall not be disturbed.
Therefore my heart has been glad and my tongue has exulted;
my flesh, too, will dwell in hope,
because you will not abandon my soul to the netherworld,
nor will you suffer your holy one to see corruption.
You have made known to me the paths of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence.
And interestingly enough the second reading is from the first letter of Peter. Peter, who is now the head of the Church, Peter who has matured in his faith and ministry, who has lived in the presence of Christ, now writes a letter to Christians and proclaims the true value of his Christ’s suffering. He says:
Conduct yourselves with reverence during the time of your sojourning,
realizing that you were ransomed from your futile conduct,
…not with perishable things like silver or gold
but with the precious blood of Christ.
Peter, who once told Jesus, “you shall never have to suffer,” is now proclaiming to us that Jesus suffering was not only necessary but his blood is more precious than silver and gold! He understood now that:
Jesus Christ, in his life, death and resurrection…
1) shows us the path of true life.
2) pours out on us abounding joy living in his presence.
3) give us delights at his hand forever.
The two disciples on the road to Emmaus discover this today as well. The disciple’s faces are downcast. Their lives are drowned in darkness. The more they discuss about all that had happened, the deeper they fall into despair. They had put their hopes in Jesus, they had thought that Jesus was going to redeem Israel, and now the fear that they were wrong, that his death is the end. Thus they leave Jerusalem discouraged, they leave the apostles, they leave the Church hopeless.
But Jesus himself comes to them and walk with them. And he asks them, “What are you discussing?” Jesus is God, he already knows what’s on the disciple’s hearts, but he desires them to share with him their concerns. In response to their concerns, he shares scripture with them. And as he speaks their hearts begin to burn within them and so they invite him into their home. Jesus, then breaks bread and their eyes are opened to his presence. At that moment they experience the resurrection of Jesus and with that they immediately run back to Jerusalem with joy.
As we look around in our world today and the more we listen to the news and of all that is going on it too can seem like darkness. In despair, we can look at the state of the world, the state of our country, the state of our culture that we live in, the culture and world that our children will have to live in and it can look bleak and dark.
But like the disciples, sometimes for us all that Jesus did is all in the past, as if the Resurrection has no relevance, that pretty much it has no effect for us that it ever happened! I think sometimes, as humans, we tend to think of Jesus in “past-tense”. Jesus WAS a good teacher, Jesus GAVE us his life. He ROSE from the dead.
But if Jesus resurrected, then he’s alive now! Jesus is with us today. And like the two disciples, Jesus himself is here now and walking with us. But do we recognize him, are we aware of his presence?
My brothers and sisters, the miracle of Emmaus, the experience of the two disciples happens at every Mass!
We come to the Church and Jesus wants you to share with him the concerns of your heart. The scriptures are then brought to life by the lectors and the homily. Then in the prayers of the faithful and in the offertory we pray and invite Jesus to stay with us, we offer him our bread and wine. Then Jesus takes the bread, says the blessing and gives it to us. And we behold his presence, the presence of the resurrected Christ!
Today, Jesus wants to…
1) shows you the path of life. (Through the scriptures and homily)
2) pours out on you abounding joy in his presence. (as our hearts burn, we invite Jesus under our roofs)
3) give you delights at his hand forever. (And in joy, we receive the Eucharist through the priest hands)
Come, Holy Spirit, come
Let thy bright beams arise,
Dispel the darkness from our minds,
And open all our eyes to the presence of Jesus Christ.
Revive our drooping faith,
Remove our doubts and fears,
And kindle in our breasts the flame
Of everlasting Love. Amen!