

Welcome to my blog. Where I share my thoughts, homilies and various other musings.

Hope you have a nice stay!



You know, I’m not that old, but I still remember the days growing up where you had to use pay phones in order to call someone if you’re away from home. And I use to have to either memorize all the phone numbers or carry around a list of numbers (an actual phone book). And when we called someone, the person might not be around their phone!

I remember when I was dating in High School, and my girlfriend would have to call the house phone and my mom would pick up and answer the phone. And then she would have to yell throughout the house that I had a phone call. And then she wouldn’t get off the phone and would eavesdrop on our conversation! And I’d be like, “Mom, get off the phone!”

Nowadays we all have cellphones, and everything’s changed. Getting into contact with people have changed. How we interact has completely changed. We no longer have to carry around a phonebook, we don’t have to pay to call someone when we’re out. Things are much easier.

How about Cassette Tapes? Do you remember them? Or even Compact Discs. Today we just listen to music on our phones. I use to have a CD case for my car. But now I just connect with Bluetooth with my phone.

So much has changed with our lives, things are more efficient, more convenient and more connected. But here’s the question. Have all of these changes actually effected our faith life?

We hear in readings that “just as from the heavens, the rain and snow come down and do not return there till they have watered the earth, making it fertile and fruitful… so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth.” And “the seed that falls on good ground will yield a fruitful harvest.”

This is the truth. God’s Word is fruitful. Period. End of discussion.

So why is it that so often our lives are so fruitless? Why is it that we look into the world and find that Christianity is losing its impact on our society and on our world?

I propose that it’s because we have neglected the Word of God. We no longer take time to read and to meditate on scriptures. St. Jerome said that, “Ignorance of Scripture is Ignorance of Christ.” And it’s no wonder many people in the world do not know Christ.

So what’s the problem? With technology today, we have even less of an excuse for not being in contact with God’s Word. Cellphones and technology have revolutionized the way we live, and now we can actually read God’s Word on our cellphones! We no longer have to carry around a physical bible anymore, we no longer need to carry around commentaries and explanations anymore. Instead, now we have a parish app, we have FORMED.org, and if we want, we have countless of bible apps and websites where can read and meditate on the bible on our phones. It’s as easy as texting. The God's Word is in our pockets!

You probably knew this already…. But do you use it?

The biggest reasons people give for not reading the Bible? The problem?: “I’m too busy.” But this is actually not a new Christian problem. In fact, St. John Chrysostom who lived in the 4th century addresses this. He says:

Let not anyone say to me those silly, contemptible words, "I'm stuck in the courthouse all day". "I'm tied up with political affairs."..."I've got a wife." "I'm raising kids." "I'm responsible for a household." "I'm a businessman." "Reading the Bible isn't my thing. That's for those who are set apart, for those who have made the mountaintops their home, who have a way of life without interruptions."

He replies:

What are you saying? It's not your business to pay attention to the Bible because you are distracted by thousands of concerns? (It’s precisely because of this,) Bible reading belongs more to you than to the monks!...You are always standing in the line of battle and are constantly being hit, so you need more medicine...

In today’s Gospel, Jesus gives three reasons for the seed not producing fruit: the birds, rocky ground and the thorns. And as Jesus explains its either the evil one, persecution or worldly anxiety and riches. The biggest struggle I think that we have today often is the last one. It’s worldly anxiety that often keeps us busy.

So today I want to give you a challenge. The bible is rich, and inside are the seeds of life. So if you are willing to take the challenge, I want you to dig into the bible and find one really good quote that speaks to your life today. And when you do I want you to memorize it. Write it down, put it on your mirror in your bathroom, stick it in your phone, put it as your wallpaper on your desktop. Do whatever you need to allow the Word of God grow deep into your heart.

So that’s the challenge: find one bible quote and memorize it. I promise you if you do that, wait, actually Jesus promises you that the Word of God will not return void but instead it will produce fruit “a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold. Whoever has ears ought to hear.”



First & Last Impressions

First & Last Impressions